Time to thank the God and to celebrate with typical food
The history of the Thanksgiving (Day of Action of Favours) started in 1621 when the come pelegrinos of England for the new land, today the United States, had celebrated gratefulness for the harvest of the year in the colony of Plymouth. In the occasion, about 90 native indians, the Wampanoag, they had participated of the party of pilgrims (pelegrinos in English). The new Americans were commemorating the benelovência of God stop with them in a period where more of the half of pilgrims he had died because of the winter causticamente why they had passed. Without the aid of the indians, all would have died. In the first harvest, governor William Bradford proclaimed one day of action of favours and conjunct the God for the provision of foods. In the party, one of the main ingredients was the Peru, that was as landmark of the celebration of the Thanksgiving. The cardápio of the day normally inclue Peru, staffing (a used bread maize in cubinhos as filling), pumpkin, purê of potato, potato-candy, and pumpkin pie. These simple foods remember the rustic virtues of the Pilgrims. In 1623, a period of drought swept the United States. The colonists of the new land had proclaimed one day of jejum and conjunct and one more time, later that God it sends rain of skies, is celebrated one day of action of favours in the land of the Uncle Sam. Little later, William Bradford declares that the date of 29 of November would be consecrated as day of conjunct, where shepherds and leaders would thank the God for its bençãos on the nation. In the history of the United States many had been the celebrations of Thanksgiving and announcements of dates where the Americans if would remember to thank the God. In 1789 president George Washington proclaimed that the National Day of Action of Favours would have to be celebrated in the last thursday of the November month, in honor to the Constitution of the United States. Thomas Jefferson, the third president, revoked this law, affirming that the practical one was incorrect for being a "decisão of rei". In 1863, Sarah Josepha Hale, author of the Mary poem had little lamb (Maria had a small lamb), much known of the Americans, convinced Abraham Lincoln to proclaim the national Thanksgiving as holiday. For the date, it it chose the last thursday of November because of the declaration of George Washington. In 1041, the date officially was transferred to 4ª thursday of November. It is interesting to perceive that all the celebrations of Thanksgiving in the beginning of the history of the United States had been made to thank the God. They did not import to the new Americans bad weather. The people wise person who God was the creator and supplier of all the things. This year the celebration of the Thanksgiving happens amanha, 22 of November. We go to use to advantage this chance to thank the God for whom It has made for us. I have much that to be thankful, after all of accounts, I am one "pilgrim" in the land of the Uncle Sam entao, very obliged for the daily provision, the received one of this country, for the work, health and chance of a new life. Happy Thanksgiving Day!
Juliano R C.