Global Heating.
The planet Land Is pretty and is legal But we have a problem the global heating. If the esquenta planet Prejudica the creation the so beautiful nature In song form. The life human being and the ecosystem Are wronged For cause of this quandary. We cannot forget That she is necessary to diminish the fósseis fuel burning and the carbonic gas emission to reduce. Many countries, then, Must protect its forests Preventing the forest fires While this time in remains them. Promoting the reforestation It is contributed to brighten up the effect-greenhouse in the Land That as much can in harming them. The thawing in calotas polar Already is an evidence If you hear the reporters You see the consequences well. If the level of the sea to go up and many islands to be submerged, Many areas will be without water candy and who will survive in this? In them let us not hurry For the destruction the Land also feels This badly in the heart. You who are human and like to live It preserves this planet to be able to grow.
Juliano R C
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